Tuesday 7 October 2014

Images of 'Layers'

A wooden structure in my house, the form of the object is interesting and intriguing. It conveys layers through the overlaying of the spikes and the way the light catches it. Layers of light are created due to the different shapes on the structure, it adds intensity to the creases and folds on the object because of it creates more tone in lighter and darker areas. 

These photos show the Yucca tree in my house. The leaves on the tree seem to overlap and intertwine creating a layered effect.  

Pavement that has worn away showing layers through revealing the inside and the surface of the pavement.

These wooden balls show layers due to the pieces of the wood overlaying over one another.

An orchid plant shows layers through the overlapping flowers.

Different creased and scrunched materials illustrate layers through the creases they create and the Layering of the different colours and materials.

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