Thursday 22 January 2015

Final piece development

Firstly I started by planning different ideas for my final piece; they mainly consisted of larger scale drawings of different angles or parts of the face.

My first idea was to do three separate drawings of close ups to the face. These drawings would be incredibly detailed but still have the different aspects of the unfinished and experimental 'look' which would reflect both of my artists. They would be on A3 paper and be conducted in different medias; ne in pencil, one in biro, and one in charcoal sealed with water. This idea was inspired by the A1 large scale drawings in graphite and charcoal that I produced at the beginning of the year which I thoroughly enjoyed creating.

My second idea reflects and connects both of my artists very well, it involves drawings of different angles of different people's faces that will vary in age. The middle face would be detailed whilst the other two will be experimental with a 'sketchy' look; it would also be in pencil, and the other two faces in either biro or charcoal as these would be easier to manipulate and capture the experimental look that I want.

My Third involved hands to incorporate my experiments reflecting Egon Schiele's work as well as the profiles of the face which reflects both of my artists. Two different angles of the face would be used and hands in different positions would be place on and around the face; the hands would be representative of life, showing the control and pressures which creates and adds more layers to the piece.The materials used on this piece would be various graphite pencils, charcoal and fine  liner, these would all be incorporated together to create a detailed yet expressive piece.

My fourth idea was to produce a simple yet detailed, large scale, tonal drawing of the face that combined and reflected both styles of my artists as well as doing what I love, drawing.The angle of the face would be unusual and reflect Powell's work as he tends to draw from unusual perspectives that accentuate different areas of the face. Whilst the simplicity of the piece reflects my other artist Tift, as he focuses on only drawing a portrait of a face in great detail. I then plan to add a tonal, yet expressive background to reflect work done throughout both of my sketchbooks and enhance the detail of the portrait; it will also tie the whole composition together.

I decided to produce my forth idea for my final piece as I felt it reflected both of my artists and suited my style the most.
When I produced practices of my final piece I experimented with scale, as originally I wanted to produce the piece on A1. However there was many difficulties as I found it hard to adapt my drawing style to a much larger scale, I found that as I increased the scale of the piece, it lost and lacked important detail and tone, which then made it feel messy. It was not up to the standard of quality that I wanted. Therefore, I decided to decrease the scale to A2 and produce quality instead of quantity.
Then I faced some difficulty with the background. With a simple tonal wash it looked unfinished, but then with an expressive background that included many tones, it took away the emphasis off the drawing and felt too much.  I then found that if I created a expressive tonal background that was subtle, it brought balance to the piece.

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